Sandie Mourão
Sandie Mourão is a senior research fellow at CETAPS, Nova University of Lisbon, with over 30 years of experience in English language education as a teacher, teacher educator, educational consultant and researcher. She investigates picturebooks in language education, early years language learning, intercultural awareness and citizenship education, and classroom-based assessment practices. Her forthcoming/recent publications include: Picturebooks in early language learning: Beyond ‘Brown Bear’ (Multilingual Matters, forthcoming); Researching educational practices, teacher education and professional development for early language learning: Examples from Europe (Routledge, 2024); Teaching English to pre-primary children (DELTA Publishing, 2020). Institutional website: https://www.cetaps.com/sandie-mourao/; ORCiD: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-1849-9850